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Cal Hyslop


590 Students
8 Courses
4.6 Average Score Rating

Instructor Profile

Hi! My name is Cal Hyslop and welcome to my profile page. The classes that you will find here now and in the future are all based on the belief that we should develop practical skills, invest in ourselves, and create things that solve other people's problems. Simply put, I believe that more skills equals more freedom: the freedom to do the work we want, wherever we want. What You Can Expect from My Skillshare Courses Although some of my topics may seem sometimes unrelated, actually they are all under the same umbrella: developing valuable skills. And every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success. How? More skills lead to greater COMPETENCE. That competence will allow you to CREATE more value for others. And your creations can earn you more COMPENSATION for the value you bring. A Little Bit About Me I have a long history in education and skills development. I received my MBA in the United States and worked for a number of years in healthcare administration. For over 15 years, I have worked at SKKU, South Korea’s 2nd ranked university, as an instructor of English and business. I manage a YouTube channel and love video content creation. One of My Favorite Quotes The great Jim Rohn said it best: "Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.” But life isn't always about self-development. When I'm not focusing on course development, I love to cook for my wife, daughter, and any friends who are willing to risk their dinners with my culinary experiments. If you are looking to expand and develop your skillsets so you can have the freedom to do the work you want, wherever you want, then I hope to see you in class!

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