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Complete French Grammar (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)

This course is designed for those interested to learn the French language. Read more.

5.0( 1 REVIEWS )
7h 44m
Course Skill Level
Time Estimate
7h 44m

A Francophile who has spent countless hours studying the French language, including its vocabulary and grammar.

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About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • Those who want to learn French
  • French speakers what want to learn more about the language

What you’ll learn: 

  • Basic conversational words
  • Time telling
  • Numbers
  • Nouns, articles, demonstratives and gender
  • Adjectives
  • Pronouns
  • Possession
  • Adverbs
  • Asking questions
  • Important prepositions
  • Verb negation


  • No prior knowledge is required to take this course

This is a French video grammar series with over 180 videos that cover all French grammar points with video lessons from zero knowledge to fluency. It is a comprehensive grammar program with videos for every French grammar point.

This course will cover:

  • Basic conversational words
  • Time telling
  • Numbers
  • Nouns, articles, demonstratives and gender
  • Adjectives
  • Pronouns
  • Possession
  • Adverbs
  • Asking questions
  • Important prepositions
  • Verb negation
  • … and so much more

The videos are sliced into specific, comprehensive parts where you can have an in-depth understanding of the words and phrases being discussed.

Our Promise to You

By the end of this course, you will have learned conversational French.

10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Get started today and learn more about conversational French.

Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Basic Conversation
Oui, Non, Si 00:00:00
Talking About Professions And Jobs 00:00:00
Bonjour, ça va, au revoir 00:00:00
Ça va? Je suis content, triste, etc. 00:00:00
Ça va? J’ai faim, soif, etc. 00:00:00
S’il vous plait, merci, de rien 00:00:00
Apologies, Sorry, Excuse Me 00:00:00
Agreement, And ‘tu as raison’ 00:00:00
Avoir envie de / besoin de 00:00:00
Être en train de 00:00:00
Ordering In A Shop Or Restaurant 00:00:00
Section 2 - Time
Months Of The Year 00:00:00
Days Of The Week 00:00:00
Seasons 00:00:00
Units Of Time 00:00:00
Telling Time 00:00:00
Midi, minuit 00:00:00
Aujourd’hui, hier, etc. 00:00:00
Telling Years And Date 00:00:00
‘In’ for Periods of Time 00:00:00
Le + Days Of The Week: Recurrent Events 00:00:00
Section 3 - Numbers
Numbers 0-10 00:00:00
Numbers 11-20 00:00:00
Numbers 10, 20-100 00:00:00
Numbers 21-99 00:00:00
Numbers 100, 1000 To Billion 00:00:00
Examples: Complex Number 00:00:00
Section 4 - Nouns, Articles, Demonstratives And Gender
Indefinite Articles 00:00:00
Definite Articles: General 00:00:00
Definite Articles Before Vowels 00:00:00
Use Of Definite Articles 00:00:00
Le partitif 00:00:00
Le partitif In The Negative: ‘de’ 00:00:00
Le partitif Before Adjectives 00:00:00
This And That: ce, cet, cette, ces 00:00:00
Examples: ce, cette, etc. 00:00:00
Celui, celles, celle, ceux 00:00:00
Examples: celui, celle, etc. 00:00:00
Article + Adjective as Demonstrative Pronouns 00:00:00
Section 5 - Adjectives
Adjectives And Word Order 00:00:00
Être And Adjectives 00:00:00
Adjectives That Change Meaning Before Or After The Noun 00:00:00
Section 6 - Pronouns
Subject Pronouns 00:00:00
Disjunctive Pronouns 00:00:00
Direct Object Pronouns 00:00:00
Examples: Direct Object Pronouns 00:00:00
Indirect Object Pronouns 00:00:00
Examples: Indirect Object Pronouns 00:00:00
Reflexive Pronouns 00:00:00
Examples: Reflexive Pronouns 00:00:00
‘En’ for le partitif 00:00:00
‘En’ For Numbers And Quantities 00:00:00
‘Il y en a’ 00:00:00
‘En’ For ‘from’ With Places 00:00:00
Y for Prepositional Phrases 00:00:00
Section 7 - Possession
Singular Possessive Adjectives: mon, ton, etc. 00:00:00
Examples: Singular Possessive Adjectives 00:00:00
Plural Possessive Adjectives: mes, tes, etc. 00:00:00
Examples: Plural Possessive Adjectives 00:00:00
Possessive Pronouns: le mien, le tien, etc. 00:00:00
Possession with ‘de’ 00:00:00
Examples: Possession With ‘de’ 00:00:00
Section 8 - Adverbs
Forming Adverbs With –ment 00:00:00
Adverb Examples 00:00:00
Adverbs For Quantity 00:00:00
Section 9 - Asking Question
Inversion Questions 00:00:00
Inversion Questions With 3rd Person 00:00:00
Est-ce que 00:00:00
Qui 00:00:00
Où 00:00:00
Quand 00:00:00
Que 00:00:00
Comment 00:00:00
Pourquoi 00:00:00
Combien 00:00:00
Which: Quel, quelle, quells, quelles 00:00:00
Examples: quel, quelle, etc. 00:00:00
Section 10 - Important Prepositions
Compound Prepositions: au, à la à l’, aux 00:00:00
Compound Prepositions: du, de la, de l’, des 00:00:00
À, de for Cities 00:00:00
En, au, aux for ‘to/in’ Countries 00:00:00
De, du, des for ‘from’ Countries 00:00:00
Depuis 00:00:00
Section 11 - Le Temps Présent
-er verb conjugation: parler 00:00:00
-ir verb confugation: ouvrir 00:00:00
-ir verb conjugation: reussir 00:00:00
-re verb conjugation: vendre 00:00:00
Irregular Verb Conjugation: Être 00:00:00
Irregular Verb Conjugation: Avoir 00:00:00
Irregular Verb Conjugation: Aller 00:00:00
Irregular Verb Conjugation: Faire 00:00:00
Present in English vs French 00:00:00
2nd Verb Infinitives 00:00:00
‘Il y a’ for ‘there is/are’ 00:00:00
The Passive Voice 00:00:00
‘Faire’ for make/have someone do something 00:00:00
Negative Infinitives 00:00:00
Section 12 - Verb Negation
Basic Negation: Ne … pas 00:00:00
Ne … jamais 00:00:00
Ne … rien 00:00:00
Ne … personne 00:00:00
Ne … aucun 00:00:00
Ne … plus 00:00:00
Ne … que 00:00:00
Order Of Negative Words 00:00:00
Order For Negative Words As Subjects 00:00:00
Section 13 - L’impératif
Forming l’impératif 00:00:00
Simple Examples For The Imperative 00:00:00
Imperative with Object Pronouns 00:00:00
Imperative With Reflexive Verbs 00:00:00
Order Of Imperative Pronouns 00:00:00
Negative Imperative 00:00:00
Negative Imperative With Pronouns 00:00:00
Negative Imperative With Reflexive Verbs 00:00:00
Section 14 - Le Passé Récent
Venir + de + inf 00:00:00
Section 15 - Le Futur Proche
Aller + inf 00:00:00
Section 16 - Passé Composé
Passé composé 00:00:00
Participe passé: -er -> -é 00:00:00
Participe passé: -ir -> -i 00:00:00
Participe passé: -re -> -u 00:00:00
Participe passé review: -é, -i, -u 00:00:00
Examples: passé composé 00:00:00
Être + p.p. for passé composé 00:00:00
Examples of Être + p.p. and DR MRS VAN DER TRAMP 00:00:00
Passé composé with Direct Object Pronouns 00:00:00
Passe composé with Indirect Object Pronouns 00:00:00
Negation for passé composé: ne … pas/rien 00:00:00
2nd Verb Infinitives with passé compose 00:00:00
2nd Verb Infinitives with Negation and Direct Objects Pronouns 00:00:00
Section 17 - Reflexive Verbs
Passé composé for Reflexive Verbs 00:00:00
Agreement Of p.p. With Reflexive Verbs 00:00:00
Reflexive Verbs For Possession 00:00:00
Idiomatic Reflexive Verbs 00:00:00
Reflexive Verbs For Talking In General 00:00:00
Section 18 - L’imparfait
Forming The Imparfait 00:00:00
Imparfait For Describing The Past 00:00:00
Imparfait For Putting Ourselves In The Moment 00:00:00
Imparfait For Habitual Events In The Past 00:00:00
Imparfait For Interrupted Actions 00:00:00
Imparfait For ‘Was Going To Do’ 00:00:00
Imparfait For Verbs Of State 00:00:00
Imparfait Review 00:00:00
Section 19 - Le Future And Le Conditionnel
Bases for le futur and le conditionnel 00:00:00
Forming The Future Tense 00:00:00
Examples: le futur 00:00:00
Forming le conditionnel 00:00:00
Si… conditionnel + imparfait 00:00:00
Section 20 - Le Plus Que Parfait
Le plus que parfait 00:00:00
Examples: le plus que parfait 00:00:00
Section 21 - Le Conditionnel Passé
Le conditionnel passé 00:00:00
Si… plus que parfait + conditionnel passé 00:00:00
Would, Could, Should 00:00:00
Section 22 - Le Future Antérieur
Le futur antérieur 00:00:00
Examples of le future anterieur 00:00:00
Timeline of the Different Future Tenses 00:00:00
Section 23 - Comparison And Superlatives
Comparisons 00:00:00
Examples Of Comparisons Of Quantity 00:00:00
Examples Of Comparisons With Adjectives/Adverbs 00:00:00
Superlatives 00:00:00
Examples Of Superlatives With Adjectives 00:00:00
Special Comparisons: meilleur, mieux, moindre, pire, mieux, pis 00:00:00
Examples with meilleur, pire, moindre, mieux, pis 00:00:00
Section 24 - Relative Clauses
Qui, à qui, de qui 00:00:00
Que 00:00:00
Dont 00:00:00
Quoi, à quoi, de quoi 00:00:00
Où, d’où 00:00:00
Ce qui 00:00:00
Ce que 00:00:00
Ce dont 00:00:00
Forms of lequel, auxquels, des quelles, etc. 00:00:00
Examples for lequel 00:00:00
Section 25 - Le Subjonctif
Formation of le subjonctif 00:00:00
2 More Examples of Forming le subjonctif 00:00:00
Passé du subjonctif Formation 00:00:00
Subjunctive With Emotions 00:00:00
Subjunctive With Wants Or Restrictions 00:00:00
Subjunctive With Possibility Or Necessity 00:00:00
Subjunctive With Doubt 00:00:00
Subjunctive With Some Prepositions 00:00:00
Subjunctive With Uncertain Existence 00:00:00
Subjunctive With Superlative Opinions 00:00:00
Subjunctive With Impersonal Judgements 00:00:00
Review: Subjunctive 00:00:00

About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • Those who want to learn French
  • French speakers what want to learn more about the language

What you’ll learn: 

  • Basic conversational words
  • Time telling
  • Numbers
  • Nouns, articles, demonstratives and gender
  • Adjectives
  • Pronouns
  • Possession
  • Adverbs
  • Asking questions
  • Important prepositions
  • Verb negation


  • No prior knowledge is required to take this course

This is a French video grammar series with over 180 videos that cover all French grammar points with video lessons from zero knowledge to fluency. It is a comprehensive grammar program with videos for every French grammar point.

This course will cover:

  • Basic conversational words
  • Time telling
  • Numbers
  • Nouns, articles, demonstratives and gender
  • Adjectives
  • Pronouns
  • Possession
  • Adverbs
  • Asking questions
  • Important prepositions
  • Verb negation
  • … and so much more

The videos are sliced into specific, comprehensive parts where you can have an in-depth understanding of the words and phrases being discussed.

Our Promise to You

By the end of this course, you will have learned conversational French.

10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Get started today and learn more about conversational French.

Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Basic Conversation
Oui, Non, Si 00:00:00
Talking About Professions And Jobs 00:00:00
Bonjour, ça va, au revoir 00:00:00
Ça va? Je suis content, triste, etc. 00:00:00
Ça va? J’ai faim, soif, etc. 00:00:00
S’il vous plait, merci, de rien 00:00:00
Apologies, Sorry, Excuse Me 00:00:00
Agreement, And ‘tu as raison’ 00:00:00
Avoir envie de / besoin de 00:00:00
Être en train de 00:00:00
Ordering In A Shop Or Restaurant 00:00:00
Section 2 - Time
Months Of The Year 00:00:00
Days Of The Week 00:00:00
Seasons 00:00:00
Units Of Time 00:00:00
Telling Time 00:00:00
Midi, minuit 00:00:00
Aujourd’hui, hier, etc. 00:00:00
Telling Years And Date 00:00:00
‘In’ for Periods of Time 00:00:00
Le + Days Of The Week: Recurrent Events 00:00:00
Section 3 - Numbers
Numbers 0-10 00:00:00
Numbers 11-20 00:00:00
Numbers 10, 20-100 00:00:00
Numbers 21-99 00:00:00
Numbers 100, 1000 To Billion 00:00:00
Examples: Complex Number 00:00:00
Section 4 - Nouns, Articles, Demonstratives And Gender
Indefinite Articles 00:00:00
Definite Articles: General 00:00:00
Definite Articles Before Vowels 00:00:00
Use Of Definite Articles 00:00:00
Le partitif 00:00:00
Le partitif In The Negative: ‘de’ 00:00:00
Le partitif Before Adjectives 00:00:00
This And That: ce, cet, cette, ces 00:00:00
Examples: ce, cette, etc. 00:00:00
Celui, celles, celle, ceux 00:00:00
Examples: celui, celle, etc. 00:00:00
Article + Adjective as Demonstrative Pronouns 00:00:00
Section 5 - Adjectives
Adjectives And Word Order 00:00:00
Être And Adjectives 00:00:00
Adjectives That Change Meaning Before Or After The Noun 00:00:00
Section 6 - Pronouns
Subject Pronouns 00:00:00
Disjunctive Pronouns 00:00:00
Direct Object Pronouns 00:00:00
Examples: Direct Object Pronouns 00:00:00
Indirect Object Pronouns 00:00:00
Examples: Indirect Object Pronouns 00:00:00
Reflexive Pronouns 00:00:00
Examples: Reflexive Pronouns 00:00:00
‘En’ for le partitif 00:00:00
‘En’ For Numbers And Quantities 00:00:00
‘Il y en a’ 00:00:00
‘En’ For ‘from’ With Places 00:00:00
Y for Prepositional Phrases 00:00:00
Section 7 - Possession
Singular Possessive Adjectives: mon, ton, etc. 00:00:00
Examples: Singular Possessive Adjectives 00:00:00
Plural Possessive Adjectives: mes, tes, etc. 00:00:00
Examples: Plural Possessive Adjectives 00:00:00
Possessive Pronouns: le mien, le tien, etc. 00:00:00
Possession with ‘de’ 00:00:00
Examples: Possession With ‘de’ 00:00:00
Section 8 - Adverbs
Forming Adverbs With –ment 00:00:00
Adverb Examples 00:00:00
Adverbs For Quantity 00:00:00
Section 9 - Asking Question
Inversion Questions 00:00:00
Inversion Questions With 3rd Person 00:00:00
Est-ce que 00:00:00
Qui 00:00:00
Où 00:00:00
Quand 00:00:00
Que 00:00:00
Comment 00:00:00
Pourquoi 00:00:00
Combien 00:00:00
Which: Quel, quelle, quells, quelles 00:00:00
Examples: quel, quelle, etc. 00:00:00
Section 10 - Important Prepositions
Compound Prepositions: au, à la à l’, aux 00:00:00
Compound Prepositions: du, de la, de l’, des 00:00:00
À, de for Cities 00:00:00
En, au, aux for ‘to/in’ Countries 00:00:00
De, du, des for ‘from’ Countries 00:00:00
Depuis 00:00:00
Section 11 - Le Temps Présent
-er verb conjugation: parler 00:00:00
-ir verb confugation: ouvrir 00:00:00
-ir verb conjugation: reussir 00:00:00
-re verb conjugation: vendre 00:00:00
Irregular Verb Conjugation: Être 00:00:00
Irregular Verb Conjugation: Avoir 00:00:00
Irregular Verb Conjugation: Aller 00:00:00
Irregular Verb Conjugation: Faire 00:00:00
Present in English vs French 00:00:00
2nd Verb Infinitives 00:00:00
‘Il y a’ for ‘there is/are’ 00:00:00
The Passive Voice 00:00:00
‘Faire’ for make/have someone do something 00:00:00
Negative Infinitives 00:00:00
Section 12 - Verb Negation
Basic Negation: Ne … pas 00:00:00
Ne … jamais 00:00:00
Ne … rien 00:00:00
Ne … personne 00:00:00
Ne … aucun 00:00:00
Ne … plus 00:00:00
Ne … que 00:00:00
Order Of Negative Words 00:00:00
Order For Negative Words As Subjects 00:00:00
Section 13 - L’impératif
Forming l’impératif 00:00:00
Simple Examples For The Imperative 00:00:00
Imperative with Object Pronouns 00:00:00
Imperative With Reflexive Verbs 00:00:00
Order Of Imperative Pronouns 00:00:00
Negative Imperative 00:00:00
Negative Imperative With Pronouns 00:00:00
Negative Imperative With Reflexive Verbs 00:00:00
Section 14 - Le Passé Récent
Venir + de + inf 00:00:00
Section 15 - Le Futur Proche
Aller + inf 00:00:00
Section 16 - Passé Composé
Passé composé 00:00:00
Participe passé: -er -> -é 00:00:00
Participe passé: -ir -> -i 00:00:00
Participe passé: -re -> -u 00:00:00
Participe passé review: -é, -i, -u 00:00:00
Examples: passé composé 00:00:00
Être + p.p. for passé composé 00:00:00
Examples of Être + p.p. and DR MRS VAN DER TRAMP 00:00:00
Passé composé with Direct Object Pronouns 00:00:00
Passe composé with Indirect Object Pronouns 00:00:00
Negation for passé composé: ne … pas/rien 00:00:00
2nd Verb Infinitives with passé compose 00:00:00
2nd Verb Infinitives with Negation and Direct Objects Pronouns 00:00:00
Section 17 - Reflexive Verbs
Passé composé for Reflexive Verbs 00:00:00
Agreement Of p.p. With Reflexive Verbs 00:00:00
Reflexive Verbs For Possession 00:00:00
Idiomatic Reflexive Verbs 00:00:00
Reflexive Verbs For Talking In General 00:00:00
Section 18 - L’imparfait
Forming The Imparfait 00:00:00
Imparfait For Describing The Past 00:00:00
Imparfait For Putting Ourselves In The Moment 00:00:00
Imparfait For Habitual Events In The Past 00:00:00
Imparfait For Interrupted Actions 00:00:00
Imparfait For ‘Was Going To Do’ 00:00:00
Imparfait For Verbs Of State 00:00:00
Imparfait Review 00:00:00
Section 19 - Le Future And Le Conditionnel
Bases for le futur and le conditionnel 00:00:00
Forming The Future Tense 00:00:00
Examples: le futur 00:00:00
Forming le conditionnel 00:00:00
Si… conditionnel + imparfait 00:00:00
Section 20 - Le Plus Que Parfait
Le plus que parfait 00:00:00
Examples: le plus que parfait 00:00:00
Section 21 - Le Conditionnel Passé
Le conditionnel passé 00:00:00
Si… plus que parfait + conditionnel passé 00:00:00
Would, Could, Should 00:00:00
Section 22 - Le Future Antérieur
Le futur antérieur 00:00:00
Examples of le future anterieur 00:00:00
Timeline of the Different Future Tenses 00:00:00
Section 23 - Comparison And Superlatives
Comparisons 00:00:00
Examples Of Comparisons Of Quantity 00:00:00
Examples Of Comparisons With Adjectives/Adverbs 00:00:00
Superlatives 00:00:00
Examples Of Superlatives With Adjectives 00:00:00
Special Comparisons: meilleur, mieux, moindre, pire, mieux, pis 00:00:00
Examples with meilleur, pire, moindre, mieux, pis 00:00:00
Section 24 - Relative Clauses
Qui, à qui, de qui 00:00:00
Que 00:00:00
Dont 00:00:00
Quoi, à quoi, de quoi 00:00:00
Où, d’où 00:00:00
Ce qui 00:00:00
Ce que 00:00:00
Ce dont 00:00:00
Forms of lequel, auxquels, des quelles, etc. 00:00:00
Examples for lequel 00:00:00
Section 25 - Le Subjonctif
Formation of le subjonctif 00:00:00
2 More Examples of Forming le subjonctif 00:00:00
Passé du subjonctif Formation 00:00:00
Subjunctive With Emotions 00:00:00
Subjunctive With Wants Or Restrictions 00:00:00
Subjunctive With Possibility Or Necessity 00:00:00
Subjunctive With Doubt 00:00:00
Subjunctive With Some Prepositions 00:00:00
Subjunctive With Uncertain Existence 00:00:00
Subjunctive With Superlative Opinions 00:00:00
Subjunctive With Impersonal Judgements 00:00:00
Review: Subjunctive 00:00:00

Course Review


1 Ratings
  1. Anonymous

    The best teaching video ever!


    Very detailed explanations, easy to understand with examples and serves the purpose of a quick re-cap on French Grammar! Highly recommended!! :):)


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