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CSS - Create Five Different Fully Responsive Modern Websites

Learn more about creating 5 different fully responsive modern websites, how to design it mobile first, and expose yourself to different approaches to designing websites. Read more.

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6h 59m

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About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • Web designers
  • Web developers
  • Web masters
  • Anyone who wants to create websites
  • Anyone who wants to learn more about applying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create websites

What you’ll learn: 

  • Explore how to create websites using CSS Float
  • Create websites using Flexbox CSS
  • How to create websites using CSS Grid
  • How to design a modern website mobile first
  • How to create full responsive mobile-ready NavBars


  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Code editor
  • Experience writing web code

A number of students have approached me to create a course covering more unique website designs and how to build websites from scratch. The more different websites you can design and have exposure to, the easier it becomes to create your own versions and your own creations. You can use the content of this course to learn and grow your portfolio of work. 

This course is perfect for anyone who wants to create websites and learn more about designing websites.

All new website designs and methods. All unique to this product and not available anywhere. Websites come in such a vast variety of designs that these are completely and totally different from others that I have created before. As a web designer, the more exposure you have to different designs the better.

Explore how you can create 5 different modern websites from scratch applying Floats, CSS Grid and FlexBox to create modern websites

Create 5 Different MODERN Websites includes:


CSS Float site – Mobile  ready fully responsive – Single Page design

  • Create custom grid to add columns and structure content
  • Single Page design with Sticky Nav Header
  • Responsive Mobile Menu
  • Create a Custom Contact Form
  • Use of Mailto in form to send message to email client
  • Top resources and tools to add placeholder content


Single Page Modern Flexbox Website – Responsive Design with JavaScript AUTOScroller

  • Use of Flexbox to create webpage
  • Flexbox to create custom dynamic Grid options
  • Create CSS components to reuse in website reuse repurpose components Cards
  • Flexbox contact form with CSS Flexbox
  • Responsive Resize with breakpoints
  • Awesome JavaScript AutoScroll


CSS Grid website with Modern CSS only Responsive Collapsible NavBar

  • CSS Grid to create a Responsive Website
  • CSS components to reuse Buttons, Cards
  • Making images responsive
  • Different page designs using CSS Grid
  • Multiple page website design
  • Responsive and mobile ready design
  • Navbar with logo and bars icon
  • Use of FontAwesome and other top resources
  • Adding Google Fonts


Modern design with Floats – Grid with Columns Flexible Design JavaScript Class Toggle for NavBar

  • Modern Navbar design – collapsing Navigation menu bar
  • Responsive Navbar using Floats CSS
  • Grid structure with multiple columns and rows all responsive
  • Menu icon with Logo
  • Use of Top online tools and Resources
  • Placeholder content
  • Responsive images as thumbnails


Flexbox Complex Menu Website With Responsive Navbar and SubMenu items

  • Create a website with Flexbox CSS
  • Add a collapsing Navbar menu
  • How to create custom JavaScript submenu items navbar
  • Responsive navbar with many menu items
  • JavaScript to create dynamic interactions
  • Responsive Images
  • Flexbox for Navbar and website design

Our Promise to You

By the end of this course, you will have learned to make 5 responsive websites.

 10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Get started today and learn more about Float, Flexbox and Grid.

Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Create Five Websites From Scratch Modern Web Design HTML CSS JavaScript
How To Create 5 Unique Websites From Scratch Course Introduction 00:00:00
Tools And Resources For The Course 00:00:00
Resources And Links 00:00:00
Section 2 - Modern Responsive Website Using Floats And CSS To Create Reusable Grids
Single Pages Float Website With Grid Structure Done With CSS 00:00:00
How To Setup Your Web Development Environment Web Dev Setup 00:00:00
How To Create A Website Wireframe To Plan Your Site 00:00:00
How To Add HTML Main Structure 00:00:00
How To Update HTML With Styles 00:00:00
How To Create A Responsive NavBar Create NavBar For Site 00:00:00
CSS Create Mobile Ready Responsive NavBar 00:00:00
Add More Content To Your Website Top Section Content 00:00:00
How To Create A CSS Grid For Your Website Using Floats Create A Float Grid 00:00:00
How To Add An Image Gallery 00:00:00
Create Content Areas Multiple Columns Content Area 2 Columns 00:00:00
How To Add Single Column In Grid Single Content Area 00:00:00
How To Create A Contact Form Using CSS And HTML 00:00:00
How To Add Mailto To Your Contact Form Mail To Contact Form 00:00:00
Add Styling To Your Website Footer 00:00:00
How To Add And Move Sections For Single Page Siite Move Section Down 00:00:00
Single Page Website Review 00:00:00
Section 3 - Single Page Flexbox Website With Auto Scroll JavaScript
Single Page Flex Website Introduction 00:00:00
Flex Website How To Setup WebPage Setup 00:00:00
How To Create Sections To Single Page Website Using Flexbox Create Sections 00:00:00
How To Create A Navbar Using Flexbox NavBar 00:00:00
How To Design And Add Content Home Screen Section 00:00:00
Apply Your Own Custom Grid 3 Columns With Flex 00:00:00
How To Create CSS Cards Flex Box Page Cards With Flex 00:00:00
How To Create A CSS Form Using CSS Flexbox 00:00:00
How To Create A Footer CSS Flexbox CSS Page Footer 00:00:00
How To Create A Smooth Scroll JavaScript Smooth Scroller 00:00:00
Add A JavaScript Smooth Scroller To Your Website 2 00:00:00
Single Page Flex Website Review 00:00:00
Section 4 - No JavaScript Checkbox Responsive Navbar Website From scratch CSS Grid Website
CSS Grid Website Introduction 00:00:00
Prepare Your Design CSS Grid Setup HTML 00:00:00
Create Website CSS Grid Website Sections 00:00:00
How To Create A CSS Grid Responsive Nav Bar Responsive 00:00:00
Add A Nav Bar Responsive To Your website 00:00:00
Create A Fully Responsive Collapsible Nav Bar Responsive 00:00:00
How To Add Placeholder Content Populate Content HTML 00:00:00
How To Update Page Footer CSS Grid Website 00:00:00
CSS Grid Website Review 00:00:00
Section 5 - JavaScript Collapsible Menu Website Mobile Ready And Fully Responsive Float CSS
Introduction Float Responsive Website 00:00:00
Modern Website Setup And Planning 00:00:00
Create A Modern Website Setup Main HTML 00:00:00
How To Make It Collapse Responsive NavBar CSS Styling 00:00:00
Dynamic Collapse menu Responsive NavBar CSS 00:00:00
Mobile Ready Navbar Menu Responsive NavBar CSS 00:00:00
Add JavaScript Select And Toggle Your Nav Menu Items 00:00:00
Custom Dynamic Grid Create Website And Columns 00:00:00
How To Add PlaceHolder Content And Resources 00:00:00
Website Tweaks And Adjustments 00:00:00
Float Responsive Website Review 00:00:00
Section 6 - CSS Flexbox Website With Responsive Nav Sub Menu Items
Complex Responsive NavBar Introduction 00:00:00
Website Planning And Setup For Modern Website Design Flex Structure Website 00:00:00
Create A Website Apply CSS For Website Using Flexbox 00:00:00
Mobile First Website Design Create Responsive NavBar 00:00:00
Mobile First Design Create Responsive NavBar With Menu Items 00:00:00
Add JavaScript Create Interaction JavaScript NavBar Toggler 00:00:00
More Complex Multiple Layer Menu With Submenu Items Add NavBar Submenu 00:00:00
Responsive Navbar With Submenu Items NavBar Submenu JavaScript 00:00:00
Responsive Menu With Submenu Items Website Tweaks Updates 00:00:00
Complex Responsive NavBar Overview 00:00:00

About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • Web designers
  • Web developers
  • Web masters
  • Anyone who wants to create websites
  • Anyone who wants to learn more about applying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create websites

What you’ll learn: 

  • Explore how to create websites using CSS Float
  • Create websites using Flexbox CSS
  • How to create websites using CSS Grid
  • How to design a modern website mobile first
  • How to create full responsive mobile-ready NavBars


  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Code editor
  • Experience writing web code

A number of students have approached me to create a course covering more unique website designs and how to build websites from scratch. The more different websites you can design and have exposure to, the easier it becomes to create your own versions and your own creations. You can use the content of this course to learn and grow your portfolio of work. 

This course is perfect for anyone who wants to create websites and learn more about designing websites.

All new website designs and methods. All unique to this product and not available anywhere. Websites come in such a vast variety of designs that these are completely and totally different from others that I have created before. As a web designer, the more exposure you have to different designs the better.

Explore how you can create 5 different modern websites from scratch applying Floats, CSS Grid and FlexBox to create modern websites

Create 5 Different MODERN Websites includes:


CSS Float site – Mobile  ready fully responsive – Single Page design

  • Create custom grid to add columns and structure content
  • Single Page design with Sticky Nav Header
  • Responsive Mobile Menu
  • Create a Custom Contact Form
  • Use of Mailto in form to send message to email client
  • Top resources and tools to add placeholder content


Single Page Modern Flexbox Website – Responsive Design with JavaScript AUTOScroller

  • Use of Flexbox to create webpage
  • Flexbox to create custom dynamic Grid options
  • Create CSS components to reuse in website reuse repurpose components Cards
  • Flexbox contact form with CSS Flexbox
  • Responsive Resize with breakpoints
  • Awesome JavaScript AutoScroll


CSS Grid website with Modern CSS only Responsive Collapsible NavBar

  • CSS Grid to create a Responsive Website
  • CSS components to reuse Buttons, Cards
  • Making images responsive
  • Different page designs using CSS Grid
  • Multiple page website design
  • Responsive and mobile ready design
  • Navbar with logo and bars icon
  • Use of FontAwesome and other top resources
  • Adding Google Fonts


Modern design with Floats – Grid with Columns Flexible Design JavaScript Class Toggle for NavBar

  • Modern Navbar design – collapsing Navigation menu bar
  • Responsive Navbar using Floats CSS
  • Grid structure with multiple columns and rows all responsive
  • Menu icon with Logo
  • Use of Top online tools and Resources
  • Placeholder content
  • Responsive images as thumbnails


Flexbox Complex Menu Website With Responsive Navbar and SubMenu items

  • Create a website with Flexbox CSS
  • Add a collapsing Navbar menu
  • How to create custom JavaScript submenu items navbar
  • Responsive navbar with many menu items
  • JavaScript to create dynamic interactions
  • Responsive Images
  • Flexbox for Navbar and website design

Our Promise to You

By the end of this course, you will have learned to make 5 responsive websites.

 10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Get started today and learn more about Float, Flexbox and Grid.

Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Create Five Websites From Scratch Modern Web Design HTML CSS JavaScript
How To Create 5 Unique Websites From Scratch Course Introduction 00:00:00
Tools And Resources For The Course 00:00:00
Resources And Links 00:00:00
Section 2 - Modern Responsive Website Using Floats And CSS To Create Reusable Grids
Single Pages Float Website With Grid Structure Done With CSS 00:00:00
How To Setup Your Web Development Environment Web Dev Setup 00:00:00
How To Create A Website Wireframe To Plan Your Site 00:00:00
How To Add HTML Main Structure 00:00:00
How To Update HTML With Styles 00:00:00
How To Create A Responsive NavBar Create NavBar For Site 00:00:00
CSS Create Mobile Ready Responsive NavBar 00:00:00
Add More Content To Your Website Top Section Content 00:00:00
How To Create A CSS Grid For Your Website Using Floats Create A Float Grid 00:00:00
How To Add An Image Gallery 00:00:00
Create Content Areas Multiple Columns Content Area 2 Columns 00:00:00
How To Add Single Column In Grid Single Content Area 00:00:00
How To Create A Contact Form Using CSS And HTML 00:00:00
How To Add Mailto To Your Contact Form Mail To Contact Form 00:00:00
Add Styling To Your Website Footer 00:00:00
How To Add And Move Sections For Single Page Siite Move Section Down 00:00:00
Single Page Website Review 00:00:00
Section 3 - Single Page Flexbox Website With Auto Scroll JavaScript
Single Page Flex Website Introduction 00:00:00
Flex Website How To Setup WebPage Setup 00:00:00
How To Create Sections To Single Page Website Using Flexbox Create Sections 00:00:00
How To Create A Navbar Using Flexbox NavBar 00:00:00
How To Design And Add Content Home Screen Section 00:00:00
Apply Your Own Custom Grid 3 Columns With Flex 00:00:00
How To Create CSS Cards Flex Box Page Cards With Flex 00:00:00
How To Create A CSS Form Using CSS Flexbox 00:00:00
How To Create A Footer CSS Flexbox CSS Page Footer 00:00:00
How To Create A Smooth Scroll JavaScript Smooth Scroller 00:00:00
Add A JavaScript Smooth Scroller To Your Website 2 00:00:00
Single Page Flex Website Review 00:00:00
Section 4 - No JavaScript Checkbox Responsive Navbar Website From scratch CSS Grid Website
CSS Grid Website Introduction 00:00:00
Prepare Your Design CSS Grid Setup HTML 00:00:00
Create Website CSS Grid Website Sections 00:00:00
How To Create A CSS Grid Responsive Nav Bar Responsive 00:00:00
Add A Nav Bar Responsive To Your website 00:00:00
Create A Fully Responsive Collapsible Nav Bar Responsive 00:00:00
How To Add Placeholder Content Populate Content HTML 00:00:00
How To Update Page Footer CSS Grid Website 00:00:00
CSS Grid Website Review 00:00:00
Section 5 - JavaScript Collapsible Menu Website Mobile Ready And Fully Responsive Float CSS
Introduction Float Responsive Website 00:00:00
Modern Website Setup And Planning 00:00:00
Create A Modern Website Setup Main HTML 00:00:00
How To Make It Collapse Responsive NavBar CSS Styling 00:00:00
Dynamic Collapse menu Responsive NavBar CSS 00:00:00
Mobile Ready Navbar Menu Responsive NavBar CSS 00:00:00
Add JavaScript Select And Toggle Your Nav Menu Items 00:00:00
Custom Dynamic Grid Create Website And Columns 00:00:00
How To Add PlaceHolder Content And Resources 00:00:00
Website Tweaks And Adjustments 00:00:00
Float Responsive Website Review 00:00:00
Section 6 - CSS Flexbox Website With Responsive Nav Sub Menu Items
Complex Responsive NavBar Introduction 00:00:00
Website Planning And Setup For Modern Website Design Flex Structure Website 00:00:00
Create A Website Apply CSS For Website Using Flexbox 00:00:00
Mobile First Website Design Create Responsive NavBar 00:00:00
Mobile First Design Create Responsive NavBar With Menu Items 00:00:00
Add JavaScript Create Interaction JavaScript NavBar Toggler 00:00:00
More Complex Multiple Layer Menu With Submenu Items Add NavBar Submenu 00:00:00
Responsive Navbar With Submenu Items NavBar Submenu JavaScript 00:00:00
Responsive Menu With Submenu Items Website Tweaks Updates 00:00:00
Complex Responsive NavBar Overview 00:00:00

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