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Public Speaking And Presentations PowerPoint: Master Design

This course is designed for those interested to learn the basics of PowerPoint design for public speaking and presentations and how to create content that moves your audience. Read more.

5.0( 3 REVIEWS )
1h 52m
Course Skill Level
Time Estimate
1h 52m

Jason Teteak has taught more than one million people how to flawlessly command attention and connect with audiences in their unique style.

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About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • Presenters
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Sales professionals
  • Project managers
  • Team leads
  • Trainers
  • Teachers
  • Human resources managers
  • CEOs
  • Anyone who wants better, game-changing PowerPoints

What you’ll learn: 

  • How to create content that makes your audience crave everything you say…(Do this right and you’ll see them motivated to take action!)
  • Coordinate what you say and what your audience sees for a flawless delivery…
  • Identify the pain points and pleasure points of your audience and how your takeaways relieve the pain points and enhance pleasure points…
  • Organize your material to make it easy for you to deliver and for your audience to follow…
  • Develop your core PowerPoints by defining your tasks, solving the mysteries and keeping things simple…
  • Manage your pace and deliver a PowerPoint presentation that ends on time, every time…
  • Create and use visuals and pictures that make complex ideas clearer and more memorable by adding impact to your presentation…
  • Integrate your words, blueprint, handout and visuals to make a compelling final presentation product…
  • Captivate your audience within the first 5 minutes by getting them to trust, believe and listen to you…
  • How to create a title for your PowerPoint presentation that motivates your audience to attend your presentation in the first place…
  • Create opening slides that assure your audience they are in the right place and remind them what they are going to hear…
  • Show your presentation was worthwhile and move your audience to respond with enthusiasm…
  • …and much, MUCH more!


  • No prior knowledge is required to take this course

You have to first learn how to attract your audience to the presentation with content they won’t be able to resist and keep them there by subtly revealing to them the underlying emotional reasons they should want it.

You have to create core content that is exactly what your audience wants to hear. Only then will you be ready to put it into a form that makes it easy for you to deliver, and present it in an attractive PowerPoint show.

Game-Changing PowerPoint Presentations are Different

Our goal is to give people practical and actionable tools that create a real connection with your audience.     

Over 20 years ago, I began crafting this method for meeting the challenges of public speaking in a way that’s genuine to you.   

We show you exactly how to take PowerPoint strategies and use them to seize opportunities, big and small.   

Here’s the exact agenda for this course:

Map Out Your Message

  • Prepare your opening slides
  • Prepare your core content slides
  • Prepare your closing slides

Add Variety To Your Visuals

  • Use pictures to add impact
  • Keep your graphics simple
  • Use illustrations to increase comprehension
  • Use handouts to reach every learner

Our Promise to You

By the end of this course, you will have learned PowerPoint design for public speaking and presentations.

10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Get started today and learn more about PowerPoint design for public speaking and presentations.

Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Introduction And Welcome
Introduction 00:00:00
Downloadable Material 00:00:00
Section 2 - Map Out Your Message
Introduction - Map Out Your Message 00:00:00
Prepare Your Opening Slides 00:00:00
Prepare Your Opening Slides - Activity 00:00:00
Prepare Your Core Content Slides 00:00:00
Prepare Your Core Content Slides - Activity 00:00:00
Prepare Your Closing Slides 00:00:00
Prepare Your Closing Slides - Activity 00:00:00
Section 3 - Add Variety To Your Visuals
Introduction - Add Variety To Your Visuals 00:00:00
Use Pictures To Add Impact 00:00:00
Use Pictures To Add Impact - Activity 00:00:00
Keep Graphics Simple 00:00:00
Keep Graphics Simple - Activity 00:00:00
Use Illustrations To Increase Comprehension 00:00:00
Use Handouts To Reach Every Learner 00:00:00